It’s True That We Love One Another Songtext - The White Stripes

It’s True That We Love One Another - The White Stripes

Well it's true that we love one another

I love Jack White like a little brother

Well Holly I love you too

But there's just so much that I don't know about you

[Verse 1]

Jack give me some money to pay my bills

All the dough I give you Holly you've been using on pain pills

Jack will you call me if you're able?

I got your phone number written in the back of my bible

[Verse 2]

Jack I think you're pulling my leg

And I think maybe I better ask Meg

Meg do you think Jack really loves me?

You know I don't care cause Jack really bugs me

Why don't you ask him now?

Well I would, but Meg, I really just don't know how

[Verse 3]

Just say,

Video: It’s True That We Love One Another von The White Stripes


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