Burning Wheel Songtext - Primal Scream

Burning Wheel - Primal Scream

Through my diseased eyes
I'm sinful, sly
I can't stop stealing
I will pay the price of being a thief
When I stop breathing
If you could see what I can see
Feel what I feel
When my head is on fire
When I'm a burning wheel
Through my bleeding eyes
I'm filthy, fly
I crawl with insects
I'm anaesthetized
I'm demonized caught in the vortex
If you could see what I can see
Feel what I feel
When my head is on fire
When I'm a burning wheel
I see, I feel, I see, I feel I see, I feel, I see, I feel
If you could see what i can see
Feel what I feel
When my head is on fire
When I'm a burning wheel

Video: Burning Wheel von Primal Scream


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