Szokolay: Vernasz (Blood Wedding) Songtexte - Sándor Szokolay

Szokolay: Vernasz (Blood Wedding) Albumcover

Szokolay: Vernasz (Blood Wedding) - Sándor Szokolay

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CD 1

Titel Anhören
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act I: Introduction: Halal! Halal! (Death! Death!) (Chorus) - Picture 1: Anyam! - Tessek? (Mother! - Yes son?) (Bridegroom, Mother) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act I Picture 1: Nocsak! - Gyere! (Greetings! - Enter) (Neighbour, Mother) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act I Picture 2: Csicsija, csi (Lulla, lullay) (Wife, Mother-in-Law) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act I Picture 2: Hat a kicsi? (How's the baby?) (Leonardo, Wife, Mother-in-Law) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act I Picture 2: A kicsi (The baby) (Wife, Mother-in-Law) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act I: Interlude - Picture 3: Tessek helyet foglalni (They will be here right away) (Maidservant, Bridegroom, Mother, Father, Bride) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act I: Picture 3: Mennyi sok ajandek! (Oh how many nice presents!) (Maidservant, Bride) - Finale: Az ejjel (Last night) (Maidservant, Bride) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act II Picture 1: Kelj fol menyasszony, talpra! (Rise oh beautiful maiden) (Maidservant, Bride) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act II Picture 1: Te? - En! Jo napot!... Mar ideadta! (You? - I! Good morning!... He gave it to me!) (Maidservant, Leonardo, Bride, Chorus) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act II Picture 1: Jonnek! (They're coming!) (Maidservant, Leonardo, Bride) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act II Picture 1: Kelj fel, menyasszony, talpra! (Rise now sweet bride, awaken) (Bridesmaids 1, 2, Bridesman, Children's Chorus, Chorus) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act II Picture 1: La, lalalala… (La, lalalala…) (Bride, Bridegroom, Wife, Maidservant, Father, Leonardo, Chorus) [Songtext anzeigen]

CD 2

Titel Anhören
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act II: Intermezzo - Picture 2: Jonnek! (They're coming) (Maidservant, Bridegroom, Bride, Father, Mother, Chorus) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act 2 Picture 2: Itt az ideje… (Now's the moment…) (Bridesmaids, Bride, Little Girl, Bridegroom, Wife, Mother, Chorus) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act II Picture 2: Hol a lanyom? (Where is my daughter?) (Father, Bridegroom, Bridesmaids, Bridesman, Wife, Chorus) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act III Picture 1: Megfogtak-e-oket? (Have you found them?) (Woodcutters 3, 2, 1) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act III Picture 1: Most kel a Hold (The moon wakes up now) (Woodcutter 3, Moon, Chorus) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act III Picture 1: Csak csondbel! … Itt jonnek mar kozel (Silently…Here's the moon) (Death, Moon, Woodcutters, Chorus)) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act III Picture 1: Erre! Erre! (This way!) (Bridegroom, Bridesman, Chorus) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act III Picture 1: Jaj, jaj! (Ah, ah!) (Death, Bridegroom) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act III: Picture 1: Halkan (Careful) (Leonardo, Bride, Chorus) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act III Picture 1: A - Zuhatagok…Ej! - A (A - Torrents rushing…Night! A) (Death, Chorus) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act III Picture 2: Fonalam — Mit szojek?… (Cotton yarn! I'll thread you… ) (Little Girl, Children's Chorus, Girls 2, 1,) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act III Picture 2: Visszamegyek … (Let me go back…) (Wife, Mother-in-Law, Death, Little Girl, Bridesmaids 1,2, Children's Chorus) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act III Picture 2: A fiam valasza kellene … (I ought ot have my son's answer … ) (Mother, Neigbour, Bride, Chorus) [Songtext anzeigen]
Sándor Szokolay - Vernasz (Blood Wedding): Act III Picture 2: Keresztnek szent szege… (Blessed holy cross… ) (Bride, Mother, Wife, Little Girl, Chorus) [Songtext anzeigen]


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