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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 1/ Sinfonia [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 2/ Recitativo Ezio s'avanza (Ezio is approaching, Ezio se blíží) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 3/ Marcia [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 4/ Recitativo Signor, vincemmo (Sir, we are victorious, Pane, zvítězili jsme) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 5/ Aria (Valentiniano) Se tu la reggi al volo (If you rise to fly, Zda povznášíš k letu) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 6/ Recitativo Ma Fulvia ove si cela? (But where is Fulvia hiding?, Kde však se Fulvie skrývá?) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 7/ Aria (Ezio) Pensa a serbarmi (Keep your love for me, Uchovej mi svou lásku) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 8/ Recitativo E soffrirai, che sposa (And endure, as husband, A strpíš, by manželem) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 9/ Aria (Fulvia) Caro padre (Dear Father, Drahý otče) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 10/ Accompagnato (Massimo) Pria che sorga l´aurora [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 11/ Recitativo Al lungo tuo servir (For your long service, Jen za tvé dávné služby) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 12/ Aria (Varo) Se un bell´ ardire (Whether a beautiful ardour, Jestliže krásné plání) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 13/ Recitativo Importuna grandezza (Irksome greatness, Nevhodná vznešenosti) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 14/ Aria (Onoria) Quanto mai felici siete (How happy you are, Jak šťastny jste) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 15/ Recitativo Signor, meglio d´ogni altro (Sir, better than anyone else,Pane, lépe než kdo jiný) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 16/ Aria (Massimo) Se povero il ruscello (As a poor little stream, Když ubohý potůček) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 17/ Recitativo Eccomi al cenno tuo (Here I am, at your will, Zde jsem na tvůj rozkaz) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 18/ Aria (Valentiniano) So chi ťaccese (I know for whom you burn, Vím, pro koho planeš) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 19/ Recitativo Fulvia, ti vuol sua sposa Cesare (The Emperor will make you his wife, Císař tě svou chotí učiní) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 20/ Aria (Ezio) Se fedele mi brama il regnante (So that I can be faithful, Bych věrným vládcem byl) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 21/ Recitativo A Cesare nascondi (Emperor, conceal, Císaři zamlč) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 22/ Aria (Onoria) Ancor non premi il soglio (You are not yet on the throne, Na trůnu ještě nejsi) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 23/ Recitativo Via per mio danno aduna (To my harm you heap disasters, Ku zhoubě mé vršíš pohromy) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 24/ Aria (Fulvia) Fin che un Zeffiro soave (While the sweet zephyr, Dokud líbezný zefýr) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 1/ Recitativo Cesare, in vano il traditor cercai (Vainly have I sought the traitor, Marně jsem zrádce hledal) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 2/ Aria (Valentiniano) Dubbioso amante (Doubting lover, Pochybující milenec) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 3/ Recitativo E puoi d´un tuo delitto (How can you blame Ezio for your crime, Jak můžeš z tvého zločinu Ezia vinit?) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 4/ Aria (Massimo) Va! dal furor portata (Go forth, swept by rage, Běž, hněvem unesena) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 5/ Recitativo Varo, che rechi? (Varo, what do you bring?,Vare, co přinášíš?) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 6/ Aria (Ezio) Recagli quell´ acciaro (Surrender this sword to him, Odevzdej mu tento meč) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 7/ Recitativo Ma, Fulvia, per salvarlo (But Fulvia, to his rescue ,Však Fulvie, k jeho záchraně) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 8/ Aria (Fulvia) Quel fingere affetto (That feigned feeling, Ten předstíraný cit) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 9/ Recitativo Massimo, anch'io lo veggo (I, too, see it, I já to vidím) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 10/ Aria (Onoria) Fin che per te mi palpita (As long as my heart beats for you, Dokud mi pro tebe srdce tluče) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 11/ Recitativo E sino a quando dissimular dovro? (How long must I pretend? Jak dlouho ještě předstírat mám?) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 12/ Accompagnato (Valentiniano) Ah, temerario! (Oh, daredevil! Ach, smělče!) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 13/ Aria (Ezio) Ecco alle mie catene (Here into my shackles, Hle, v pouta se vydávám) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 14/ Recitativo Ingratissima donna (The most ungrateful woman, Nejnevděčnějši z žen) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 15/ Terzetto (Fulvia, Valentiniano, Massimo) Passami il cor, tiranno! (Pierce my heart, tyrant! Bodni v mé srdce, tyrane!) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 16/ Recitativo Se tu sapessi (If you knew, Kdybys věděl) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 17/ Aria (Onoria) Peni tu, per un´ ingrata (You suffer for the ungrateful woman, Trpíš pro nevděčnici) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 18/ Recitativo Al fin conosco, che innocente tu sei (At last I know your innocence, Konečně znám tvou nevinu) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 19/ Aria (Ezio) Per la memoria del tuo perdono (In memory of your pardon, Na paměť odpuštění) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 20/ Recitativo Se tanto affanno la vita ha da costar (If life costs so much sorrow, Stojí-li život tolik trýzně) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 21/ Aria (Valentiniano) Per tutto il timore (Whether all that fear, Zda všechna ta bázeň) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 22/ Recitativo E contrastar pretendi (You claim to oppose? Hodláš si snad odporovat?) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 23/ Aria (Massimo) Tergi l´ingiuste lagrime (Wipe the unjust tears, Setři nespravedlivé slzy) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 24/ Accompagnato (Fulvia) Misera, dove son! (Poor me, where am I! Ubohá, kde to jsem!) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 25/ Aria (Fulvia) Ah, non son io che parlo (Oh, it is not I who speaks thus, Ach, nejsem to já, kdo takto mluví) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Prague Symphony Chamber Orchestra - 26/ Recitativo Inorridisci, o Roma (Shudder, oh Rome! Zděs se, ó Říme!) [Songtext anzeigen]