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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Sibelius : Vilse Op.17 No.4 [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Sibelius : Souda, souda, sinisorsa [Paddle, paddle, little duckling] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Sibelius : 5 Songs Op.37 : No.4 Was it a dream? [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Säv säv susa, Op.36 No.4 (Sigh, Rushes, Sigh) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Sibelius : 5 Songs Op.37 : No.5 The maiden's tryst [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Sibelius : Lastu lainehilla, Op. 17 No. 7 [Driftwood] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Sibelius : 7 Songs Op.17 : No.6 To Evening [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Romeo, Op.61 No.4 [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Näcken, Op.57 No.8 (The Nix) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Längtan heter min arvedel, Op.86 No.2 (My heritage is called longing) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Sibelius : Den första kyssen Op.37 No.1 (The first kiss) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Kyssens hopp, Op.13 No.2 (A kiss's hopes) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Drömmen, Op.13 No.5 (The Dream) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Demanten på marssnön, Op.36 No.6 (The diamond on the March snow) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Narciss (Narcissus) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Våren flyktar hastigt, Op.13 No.4 (Spring fleets fast) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Sibelius : Sången om korsspindeln Op.27 No.4 (The Song of the Spider) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Teodora, Op.35 No.2 (Theodora) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Och finns det en tanke, Op.86 No.4 (If there is a thought) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - På verandan vid havet, Op.38 No.2 (On a veranda by the sea) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Marssnön, Op.36 No.5 (March snow) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Sibelius : Norden Op.90 No.1 (The North) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Höstkväll, Op.38 No.1 (Autumn Evening) [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Sibelius : 6 Songs Op.36 : No.1 Black roses [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 1. Gute Nacht [Good Night] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 2. Die Wetterfahne [The Weathercock] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 3. Gefrorne Tränen [Frozen Tears] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 4. Erstarrung [Numbness] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 5. Der Lindenbaum [The Lime Tree] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 6. Wasserflut [Torrent] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 7. Auf dem Flusse [At The Stream] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 8. Rückblick [Retrospect] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 9. Irrlicht [Will-o'-the-Wisp] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubet : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 10. Rast [Rest] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 11. Frühlingstraum [A Dream of Springtime] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 12. Einsamkeit [Loneliness] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 13. Die Post [The Post] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 14. Der greise Kopf [The Hoary Head] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 15. Die Krähe [The Crow] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 16. Letzte Hoffnung [A Last Hope] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 17. Im Dorfe [In The Village] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 18. Der stürmische Morgen [A Stormy Morning] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 19. Täuschung [Deception] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 20. Der Wegweiser [The Signpost] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 21. Das Wirtshaus [The Inn] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 22. Mut! [Courage!] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 23. Die Nebensonnen [The Phantom Suns] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schubert : Winterreise D.911 Op.89 : 24. Der Leiermann [The Organ Grinder] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schumann : Dichterliebe Op.48 : 1. Im wunderschönen Monat Mai [In the marvellous month of May] [Songtext anzeigen]
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Krause, Tom (baritone) and Various - Schumann : Dichterliebe Op.48 : 2. Aus meinen Tränen sprießen [From my tears there spring] [Songtext anzeigen]